Congratulations on your acceptance to the University of Hartford!
We are delighted to welcome you to the University community and particularly pleased that you have chosen to complete this online orientation. By becoming familiar with the University and its many programs, procedures, and policies, you are taking a very important step towards the successful realization of your academic goals.
Online Orientation Checklist for Adult and Part-Time Students
Obtain Email Account
Your e-mail account will be generated by ITS (Information Technology Services) at your first registration. Shortly after registration, your email address and login information will be sent to you in U.S. mail. You can also find your email address by visiting the Directory, and typing your last name; your email address will be displayed.
To log into your email, go to, on the horizontal tool bar at the top of the page, hover over My UHart and click Hawkmail. Students should select "Click Here" to access your email via Office 365. Your username is your email address with the part and your password is your student ID number (e.g.
All official University of Hartford communication, including billing and communications from your professors, will be sent to your University of Hartford email address, so it is essential that you check it regularly. In addition, University of Hartford email accounts are required to log in to the library from home and to access Blackboard, our course management tool. For more information about the email system, click here. If you have questions, call 860.768.5999 or visit the Computer Support Center in the Mortensen Library. Visit the Computer Support Center website for hours of operation.
Self Service Center
Log in to the Self-Service to confirm your registration schedule, check and pay your bills and register your car. Go to, on the horizontal tool bar at the top of the page, hover over My UHart and click on Self-Service. Click on Secure Login for Students, Faculty, Staff, and Alumni; your User ID is your eight-digit student ID (created when you registered) and your unique PIN should have been sent to you at your University of Hartford email address.
NOTE: The University does not send out paper bills or grade reports, so you must log into the Self-Service Center to check your grades, confirm your class schedule, and to view and pay your bills. While in self-service, you should print out a schedule to bring with you to get your Student ID
Obtain Student Photo ID Card
Visit the Student ID office for their hours of operation and location. To obtain a student ID, you must present proof of registration and an additional form of ID such as a driver's license.
Obtain a Parking Permit from Public Safety
Parking permits must be obtained through the Department of Public Safety. To initiate the process, log onto the Self Service Center and click on Public Safety/Parking. You must enter your vehicle information including your plate number, acknowledge that you have read "Your Car on Campus" manual (you might want to print this and keep it in your car for reference on parking regulations), and then print out a temporary parking permit. You must then go to public safety with your temporary permit and your student ID to pick up your actual permit. The parking fee will be charged to your student account.
Permits for the entire academic year (September through August) cost $75 and for one semester cost $45. If you have questions, please call Public Safety at 860.768.7985.
Purchase Books at the Campus Bookstore in the Harry Jack Gray Center
Books are sold in the Campus Store in the Harry Jack Gray Center. The bookstore will be open special hours during the first two weeks of the term. Bring your schedule with you so that you get the proper books for your section and course number. If you have questions, call 860.768.4801. Books can also be purchased online at
Provide the Health and Wellness Center with the Required MMR Form
The form can be accessed online on the Health and Wellness website. Part-time adult students submit Health Form 2. It is important to fill this out and return it to the University of Hartford Health Services office. This form is required by state law and must be turned in before you will be allowed to register for a second semester of classes. You should aim to comply with the requirement within one month of starting classes. Please call 860.768.6601 with any questions.
The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act is a federal law that is designed to protect the privacy of and limit access to your educational records. The University is unable to discuss details of your student account with anyone other than yourself unless you authorize us to do so. You can do this by logging into the Self Service Center and clicking on Main Menu and then the FERPA link. There you can add the names of individuals and check off which areas of your account we can discuss with them.
Title IV Authorization
Federal regulations state that the University must obtain written authorization from a student in order to use excess federal financial aid to:
- Pay minor institutional charges
- Pay non-institutional charges (e.g. books, parking permits, library fines, traffic fines, etc.)
- Hold excess Title IV federal funds for a future semester in the same academic year
- Students can access the Title IV authorization by logging into the Self-Service Center.
Each semester, be sure to do the following:
- Pay all of your fees through the Self-Service or at the Center for Student Success (CSS). Questions call CSS at 860.768.4999.
- Register for classes as early as possible. Matriculated students can register through CSS with their advisor's signature on a registration form or online by obtaining a registration PIN from their advisor. Non-matriculated students register through CSS located in Gengras Student Union. The Center for Adult Academic Services staff function as advisors for non-matriculated students. Non-matriculated students may also be required to obtain signatures from the department offering the selected courses. Please call the CSS at 860.768.4999 for questions regarding registration.
- Ensure that your parking permit is current.
- Purchase books as needed.